Friday, July 18, 2008


Hey everyone. My attempts with Linux, were in short, an epic failure. It has pretty much refused to install, due to some fault of my own I'm sure. Anyways, I may try again in awhile. But for now, I shall do other things.

Other things for the moment included the purchase of the Orange Box, a fantastic little box set that comes with Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. I cannot recommend it enough. Portal is a really wierd mind bending game with some of the funniest dialogue I've ever heard. I would like to say more, but I risk ruining the game then. The game is only about 5 hours long, but you should buy it anyways, because it is amazing.

Team Fortress 2 is a purely online First Person Shooter. It has no single player mode whatsoever. Basically you pick a class and fight as one of the following: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Heavy, Engineer, Demoman, Sniper, Spy, Medic. You then work with others to try and fulfill objectives. It is great fun. Buy it.

I have yet to play half-life 2, so no overview on that.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello again, my devoted readers. Okay, this blog has only existed for like a day. I doubt I have any devoted readers. Thank you to the 12 people who viewed the page though.

I was able to successfully install and run DSL on my old piece of scrap metal. And it runs very quickly too. Much faster than Windows XP did. I'm also told there is a way to make it run entirely in RAM (the entire operating system is only 50MB). So once I work that out, the speed should increase even more.

I'm afraid I do not yet know how to take screenshots and save them for posting on this blog, so I have no pictures yet. I hope to eventually be able to do that and type this blog from right in Linux, but for now I have no pictures and I'm typing this message while running Windows Vista.

A quick rundown of my first look at Linux.

1. There are a lot of options. Almost overwhelming like. I have access to tons of programs and I have no idea what they are or do. I know that I have an internet browser, a word editor, a control panel of sorts, and even a little game of Tetris built right into the system. :) I love tetris.

2. The display is confusing. I only managed to make it run stably when I set it to 640 x 480 resolution. Which is huge. It looks quite strange after the crisp look of 1280 x 800 on a 13" laptop.

That's all for now. I will try to learn how to take screenshots before my next post. (Or I will simply take a digital camera picture of the screen and hope it turns out).


Friday, July 4, 2008

First Post!

Hey everyone, or no one, depending on who stumbles upon this blog. My name is Keilan. First, I'll give a little rundown on who I am. I live in Canada, enjoy photography and computers and will be attending university this coming September. I decided to create this blog because I am exploring Linux, programming, and other computer type stuff and wanted to share my experiences with others who have similar interest. So if you do, make sure you add this to your favourites list and check for new posts on an hourly basis. :) Anyways, enough about me, here's a bit of info of what I'm doing.

First of all, I'd like to introduce you to my main computer. It's a Dell XPS M1330 laptop. Under the hood it has an Intel Core2Duo T8300 2.40GHz processor, a 250GB HDD, 4GB of DDR2 RAM and a Nvidia GeForce 8400M GS graphics card. So not a beast, but definatly not bad. That is what I will send the majority of my posts from. Here is a picture with my fantastic background (if anybody wants the background or any background you see in the future, just leave a comment and I'll post it). Well, here it is!

Now, more importantly than my main computer, is the rig I will be testing Linux related things on. I did manage to scrape together a decent monitor and keyboard setup for it. Here is a shot of that:

Alright, now the monitor isn't so bad. Unfortunately the same can't be said about the computer itself. It is what I would refer to as a fossil. It is running a 600MHz Pentium III processor, 256MB of RAM, a 15GB HDD, and a graphics card that I have yet to identify (although I am almost certain that it is integrated).

This is what I am attemping to run Linux on. My first attempt at running Linux was with the distribution Xubuntu 8.04. After popping in the install CD, I prompty received a "Setup requires 256MB of RAM" message and that was that. Although I did have that much RAM, I believe the graphics card uses some of it. So my next attempt will be with a Linux distribution called Damn Small Linux (my apologies about the name, from now on it will be called DSL). So that brings me to where I am now, attempting to conjure up a download CD for DSL.

Updates will come when I do more stuff, until then,
Peace out,