Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello again, my devoted readers. Okay, this blog has only existed for like a day. I doubt I have any devoted readers. Thank you to the 12 people who viewed the page though.

I was able to successfully install and run DSL on my old piece of scrap metal. And it runs very quickly too. Much faster than Windows XP did. I'm also told there is a way to make it run entirely in RAM (the entire operating system is only 50MB). So once I work that out, the speed should increase even more.

I'm afraid I do not yet know how to take screenshots and save them for posting on this blog, so I have no pictures yet. I hope to eventually be able to do that and type this blog from right in Linux, but for now I have no pictures and I'm typing this message while running Windows Vista.

A quick rundown of my first look at Linux.

1. There are a lot of options. Almost overwhelming like. I have access to tons of programs and I have no idea what they are or do. I know that I have an internet browser, a word editor, a control panel of sorts, and even a little game of Tetris built right into the system. :) I love tetris.

2. The display is confusing. I only managed to make it run stably when I set it to 640 x 480 resolution. Which is huge. It looks quite strange after the crisp look of 1280 x 800 on a 13" laptop.

That's all for now. I will try to learn how to take screenshots before my next post. (Or I will simply take a digital camera picture of the screen and hope it turns out).


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